About me

by Dr. Zakaria Endut
Tags: PnP2020

Success is a journey 


Name: Dr Zakaria Endut

Date of birth: 27 July 19971

Home Address: Taman Residensi Panchor, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang

Email address: zakaria.endut@usm.my

Mobile no: 0199828334

Office no: 04-599 5225 

Expertise:  Economic geology, structural geology and geochemistry

Graduation year: BSc Degree in Geology (1995), Phd in Economic Geology (2016).

Previous job: Specific Resources Sdn Bhd. (1997-2015), Borneo Oil and Gas Corporation (2016-2018)

Current job: Universiti Sains Malaysia (2019-present)


About me

I am Zakaria Endut, a lecturer at School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering starting from January 2019. I was born in Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu on 27th of July in 1971. I am married to Suziati Mustaffa and having three children. Currently I stay at Taman Residensi Panchor, Nibong Tebal. It takes about 7 minutes’ drive to reach the Engineering Campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia.

After completed the secondary school at Sekolah Menengah Agama Dato’ Haji Abbas, Kuala Terengganu, I’m received the offer to further the study at the Universiti Kebangsaan malaysia’s Matriculation at Sekolah Sultan Ahmad Shah for year 1 and Pusat Matrikulasi Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for Year 2 in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. This is my first time to be away from my family, however surrounding with a new friends and tight scheduling of the class make me adapts to a new environment quickly. After two years of matriculation, I received an offer to further my study at Faculty of Physical and Applied Science. After two years, I choose to major in Geology science. In 1995, I was graduated with BSc of Geology and get the first job before the convocation ceremony.

My first Job is with Terratech Consultant supervising the New Kuala Lumpur – Karak Highway tunnel for almost two years. After the completion of the project, I joined the Kuala lumpur based, small scale company for three months providing the drilling activity for engineering purpose. Metropolitan city with heavy traffic really made me uncomfortable working in the big city. New offer in Kuala Lipis, Pahang with a good remuneration package has lure me to join a different challenge as a miner in Penjom gold mine, Kuala Lipis. My Task is to supervised and to carried out the mining and exploration activity in the mine site. I stay in the job for 18 years with many memories and good friends. In Penjom gold mine, I managed to learn new things, attending so many workshops and training. I have an opportunity to participate in the training from the world class speakers that related to our job including in Brisbane, Perth and Bali. On-site training was also organised especially in a field of exploration and economic mineral. These training has opened my knowledge that I and all other geologist has never think off.

Starting from there, I started to collected a systematic data, doing further research and registered for post graduate study. After four years, I quit my job to focus on writing my thesis and three months later, I submit my thesis. 5 months for the readers to read the thesis, and I pass my viva with minor correction. I got a new job 5 month after my resignation and graduated with the PhD in 2016.

On January, 2019, I got an offer letter to join School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering as a lecturer.

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae in PDF

My Family

Graduation phd

My photo


Its me



During the early semester, I was assigned to escort the second year student for industrial visit. We have a good time visiting Penjom gold Mine, Selinsing gold mine, Lynas rare earth processing facility, Ulu Sokor gold mine and Terengganu Silica. Several photo of the visit is shown here.

Lynas visit 2019


Penjom gold mine visit 2019


Selinsing gold mine visit 2019



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