Collection: EPORTFOLIO

Journey as an Educator

How it started

Dan received a USM fellowship scheme in 2014, and then an offer for his Doctorate study at the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol in 2015. Dan joined the Soft Matter group under the supervision of Professor Paul Bartlett at Physical and Theoretical Chemistry department in Bristol. The dream continued for 4 years at Bristol, and he came back to Malaysia in Aug 2019, started as a lecturer at the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering USM in November 2019. 



Dan with Ceska on their graduation day, Winter 2020



The Soft Matter group at undergrads leaving meal

Chemistry Tutoring

Dan spent more than 3 years as a Physical Chemistry tutor for Bristol ChemLabS- Undergraduate teaching laboratory at Bristol. The responsibility of tutor/ demonstrator is similar to educator where Dan was responsible for lab teaching and assessment. The experience gave him a more thorough understanding and fundamental knowledge of Physical Chemistry, and the passion to teach grew even bigger since then! Bristol ChemLabS was among the best chemistry teaching labs in the UK! The lab is equipped with advanced instruments and an interactive state-of-art laboratory assessment and experimental systems. 


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Undergrads doing their things in the lab!

Creative Commons license

Conferences and Seminars

  • M4 Colloid Symposium 2016, University of Bath, UK
  • M4 Colloid Symposium 2017, University of Bristol, UK
  • M4 Colloid Symposium 2018, University of Cardiff, UK
  • UK Colloids 2017, Manchester, UK
  • The European Colloid and Interface Society Conference 2017, Madrid, Spain
  • Keynote speaker, The European Colloid and Interface Society Conference 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Invited speaker, Casting Dispersion 2018 Society of Chemical Industries, London, UK
  • Colloidal Science & Metamaterials 2019 Conference, Paris, France



Colloidal scientists at the UK Colloids Manchester 2017


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