as member of University  student Council i had the oppurtunity to representing Usm 

10 March 2018

10 March 2018

I have had the opportunity to represent Usm At  Universiti Putra Malaysia ( UPM) to attend the  Student  For Peace Leadership Conference . At this Conference I was also appointed as the University Sains Malaysia Youth Leadership.

I have been given this opportunity to gain experience and learn new things as a member of the universty student council.

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28- 30 SEPTEMBER 2018

28-30 September 2018

I had given another oppurtunity ,  as member of University student council to attend a convention for handicapped students ( konvensyen Mahasiswa & Mahasiswi OKU 2018) at University Teknologi Malaysia ( UMT)

I learned a lot while attending this convention, learn to be  thankful, learned how to manage time, money and even learned to not despair I’m  also be able to know  new friends from other University. At this convention, I’m also  be able to challenge myself to join 3 minutes idea craft to produce a new things that can be able to help handicapped person in their life.

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