Creative 21st Century Teacher

       I'am trained  be a Creative 21st Century Teacher                                                                   


HGM ( Geografi Rural)

PGT 219

PGT 219 is compulsory subject for all education student. Other  from  doing assigment, reports and Microteaching we also need to participated in inovation program. This is inovation in " alat bantu mengajar" or BBB . I'm also participated  with my group members in ICT category, by doing game using power point.  Our game is "Touch n GO" using Form 2 sylabus from Bahasa Malaysia Subject. This game was dIvided In 2 category which is 1 is for revision and another 1 is for game. 

TOuch n go.png


This is the link for this Game

PPG 316

PPG 316 is  one of  compulsory education subject  for Geography student which is Geography Teaching Method. one of our Assigment from this Subject is to create a game or gamification for secondary school  students. This game must be created using Power point and use  sylabus  from Form 4 or Form 5  Geography subject.  This games is an upgraded version from old game which is "Touch N go"  that we created for our PGT 219 subject  . However eventhough this gmes is an upgrade version , but it still very different from old one from its content and sylabus  . This Game  is "Think N GO"

think n go.png 

This is the link for This Game


PGT 436 E

PGT 346 also one of Education Subject in Usm. This Is the most interesting subject ever, it is because you can learn a lot about ICT , other than that you can know a lot of apps that can help you to become a creative teacher for your students.You can learn how to make your teaching become fun and interactive as ever.

  1. This is one of my assigment, on how i'm going to be a creative teacher :


  1. This is my podcast link , it can help me to share with my students and also students around the world about their learning topics :


  1. this also one of my assigment about what is Gamification :


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