USM Program

On this page, I am going to share some of the program that I was attended while at USM to collect some MYCSD point


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Bengkel penulisan Kreatif , di bawah Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan

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 Program Jejak Menara di Matrikulasi Penang, had an oppurtunity to become a fasilitator and share soem info and moments with this students.

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Program Taman Lestari , di bawah Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan dengan Kerjasama Pusat Islam dan dibawah Dr Aswati

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Majlis sambutan Hari Guru peringkat Univeriti , program dibwah anjuran Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan 

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21st century teaching workshop program under Pusat Pengajian iLMU Pendidikan

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Had the opportunity to be one of the volunteers to carry out a lot of volunteer activities, such as program Masak bubur lambuk under Persatuan Ilmu Pendidikan

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I became a facilitator at Sk Nibong,  had the opportunity to gain new experience as a facilitator and also to improve communication skills.

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Program visits to oil palm plantations, learn  on how they plant the oil plantations 

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Train to Hummanity save Palestein 2.0 under MPD Restu

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