
Reflection about myself , to make sure i'm always become a good person , dedicated teacher and to be an awesome daughter

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Dear self

”You cannot have a meaningful life without having self-reflection.” —Oprah Winfrey.

i hope that i can become a good to myself, i hope that i can always try my best in anything that i'am doing and i hope that i can throw away my lazy behaviour and my low self esteem. 

i am 23 years old already i cannot behave like a small kids , and cannot behave like a teenage anymore but i need to behave like a adult

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one most important things, i need to learn a lot of things  when i"m young to make sure that i don"t regret soon when i'm getting old.

Future Teacher

Soon , i'm going to be a teacheri 

I Hope i can be a good teacher,  that can help a lot of my future students to achieve their dreams like my teacher help me to achieved my dreams.

Because of that i need to work a lot right now, i need to learn , i need to read variety of books and also i need to gain a lot of knowledge  because my students will depends on me to give answer to their question.  One day i hope i will always be ready and be confident to tell my student about their answer without fail. 


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Awesome Daughter

when the times come , i hope i will repay all your kindness that you give to me, all your support , all your love, and all your warm hug . Thank you for Everything

 My dreams to become a teacher because  both of you inspired me and i hope i can also can become  a great teachers like both of you.  WhatsApp Image 2020-06-02 at 04.47.17.jpeg


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