"If you believe in yourself, nothing is possible"
Creative teacher method are very important for the effectiveness of a teacher. This is because teacher is the basic tool in nurturing creativity in students. In addition, creative teaching can enhance learning. Creative teaching strategies can help teachers harness student strength to enhance learning and encourage them to develope deeper level of thinking. Therefore, all the advantage I have, I will use when teaching later. For example, in video editing, I will be able to produce interesting videos for my students while teaching.
1. Why Teaching Profession ?
For me, the teaching profession is different from other professions because in teaching there is satisfaction in terms of the ability to do something for the world of the future. In addition, there is scope for teachers to reform social, cultural and economic conditions. The task of teaching is a task that has a high responsibility. Only sensitive and responsible people can enter this profession.
2. My Teaching Philosophy
I believe a good teacher, first, has a powerful faith in the future because good teacher knows and understands students well. As teacher, I know that students do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate. So, I must know my subjects and how to help students learn those subjects. Besides, a good teacher must have a deep appreciation of how knowledge is created in the discipline, how it is organized and how it is linked to other disciplines. Despite writing a teaching philosophy, I really prefer to think about learning and helping others learn as opposed to teaching. I believe many of us have come to accept a working definition that teaching means giving information, which I believe is only the beginning of teaching and certainly only a small part of learning. Last word, these are the challenges I accepted when I chose to be a teacher.
3. Behaviorism
I will reward successful students so that they are more motivated and give punishment for those who make mistakes. This is what needs to be applied in the concept of behaviorism in education.
4. Constructivism
I will let students teach themselves in pairs. The concept inquiry-based learning (IBL) is used so that students can ask their own questions and find answers to their questions through research and direct observation. It encourages students to evaluate their work, and identify intermediary skills to acquire based on their needs.
5. Cognitism
The best way for me as a teacher to approach using cognitivism in teaching is to ask questions to let students think outside of the box.
6. Humanism
I will making time to collaborate with other educators and evaluating student needs and wants regularly because humanistic education is a humane approach to education that helps students believe in themselves and their potential.