Collection: MY LIFE

My family

Family number

I currently live with my parents and sister. We live in Anhui Province in eastern China. My sister is 7 years younger than me. She is in junior high school this year. My parents have mixed feelings about me studying in Malaysia. First of all, they recognize the educational environment in Malaysia. Yes, studying abroad can exercise personal life skills and language and social skills, but I happen to encounter covid-19 and I cannot go back to school for classes, which has a great impact on my college experience.



My father works in transportation. He is very busy every day and has very little time at home, but he is very concerned about my study and life. I am very grateful to my father for his dedication to the family.


My mother works in the workplace and is very busy every day, but she always finds time to go home to prepare meals and clean up. Thank you mom for your dedication to the family


My sister is approaching the senior high school entrance examination. Her grades are above average. Her family has high hopes for her. I hope my sister can be admitted to the ideal high school.


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