Collection: Portfolio of Nur Insyirah Wirdani

NIWI'S Teaching Philosophy




Assalamualaikum and holla everyone :) 

I still remember the reason that I wrote in the USM IV admission form as the question asked 'why do I want to be a teacher?'  Within that form, I wrote these words :
  'Ibn Umar reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people." I want to be among those who are the most beloved to Allah and I am convinced that educators are among those people.

Even though I am in my3rd year now, my reason haven't change.

My Teaching Philosophy
From my point of view, I highly believe that all children are special and need a classroom that challenges them on all levels so that they can develop their full potential as learners and people.

So, as for my teaching philosophy, I am convinced that constructivism, behaviorism, and connectivism will be my teaching strategy.

I hope to foster an environment like this so that each student can blossom into their fullest potential. I will create a space where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and trying new things.

For optimal learning, I find that the following five factors are necessary. 
(1) A teacher's primary function is to serve as a mentor or facilitator.
(2) The availability of hands-on experiences is a crucial component to enhance students' understanding
(3). Students should be given leeway or opportunities to pursue their interests and follow their own s in the classroom.
(4) It is important for students to have a place to test out their newfound abilities without fear of repercussions.
(5) There needs to be more use of technology in the classroom.

I believe that special needs students need experience, hands-on activities, encouragement and technology within their class, and I hope to apply all of this once I become an educator. That's all for me, adios :)


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