Collection: Ling Ling's e-portfolio

About me


eportfolio (1).gif.1Salam Sejahtera and hello!smile Welcome to my e-portfolio. I am Tiang Ling Ling. My e-portfolio will let you all know more about my ability, achievement, and progress in learning. I hope you can enjoy it. 

This is me

eportfolio (2).gif.4


Introduce Myself

My information

Name        : Tiang Ling Ling

Matric No : 146054

Age             : 23 years old

Race           : Chinese

Religion     : Christian

State           : Sarawak

Town           : Bintangor

Study Year : 3

Major          : Special Education

Minor          : Geography

E-mail          :

Contact no : 011-55039866

My Resume



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