Collection: Phoebe Ng's E-Portfolio

Works From PGT 436 E And Also Other Courses

Works From PGT 436 E And Also Other Courses


PGT 436 E (Project Website)

PGT436 E (Group Assessment- Storytelling Competition)

PGT 436 E (Podcast)

PGT 436 E (Project Based Learning)

PGT 436 E (Presentation Project Based Learning)

PGT 436 E (Group Assessment Project Title: Save Earth, Save Home)

Other Coursewroks (Esei Group Report SHE 101-Hubungan Etnik)

Other Courseworks (Group Slide Presentation For PGT 219- Pengantar Kaedah Mengajar Ilmu Kemanusiaan)

Other Courseworks (Esei Group Report PPK 311- Technology And Innovation For Special Education)

Other Courseworks ( Esei For Red Crescent In Pairs)

Other Courseworks ( Group Reflection For HMT 211-Phonetics)

Other Courseworks ( Esei For PPK 334-Pengurusan Masalah Emosi Dan Tingkah laku Kanak-Kanak Berkeperluan Khas

Other Courseworks (Group Slide Presentation PPK 211-Masalah Pembelajaran)


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