Collection: Amni E-Portfolio

Progress of learning to become a teacher day 1 till now

On August 26, 2016



On August 26, 2016. 

I have uploaded 1 picture with the caption 'now I'm in a study class, who knows, 5 more years to be in a teaching class'

and when I look back at the picture posted here, I feel like I can't believe it. my dream of becoming a teacher will soon be achieved. Where I am currently continuing my studies at USM in the field of education

After SPM on 2016



after spm i decided to continue my studies in form 6 and while in form 6 i started to pay attention to children with disabilities. this is because my class time in form 6 is close to the class of students with disabilities. and that’s also where I started to like seeing that special student and aspire to be a special education teacher one day.



2019 until now

after graduating from stpm, i continued my studies at usm taking up the field of education. I chose to be a special education teacher. I really enjoy studying at USM. too much new knowledge I have learned while I was at usm.


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