Collection: My Academic Portfolio

Teaching portfolio - List of subject and Synopsis

by Dr. Zakaria Endut
Tags: PnP2020

List of BPK and CSF

Teaching subject


Fourth Year Students

 EBS 425 Industrial Minerals

To develop knowledge and awareness about the important and development of various industrial mineral and other related mineral-based industries including energy mineral in practical and integrated ways. Be able to discuss about the broad as-pects of industrial mineral in term of geological occurrence, distribution, marketing, economic and application technology.  Broad knowledge about process technology and methods apply in mineral development, exploitation and evaluation tech-niques. Emphasis will be given to the development of coal, industrial clay, feldspar, mica, silica sand, carbonate rock, heavy mineral (mineral sand), talc and wollastonite which is having direct important to the country development. To develop skills in evaluating the marketability of industrial mineral deposit (flow sheet) in accordance with industrial requirements and specification through group assignments.

EBS 423 Mine and Plant design

The course begins with the boreholes data and geological data of an area with mineral or rock potential for a mine or a quarry respectively. Then the students have to apply their own knowledge and other references in producing a report on a design of a mine and plant. The report is akin to a feasibility report that contains the treatment of the data, the planning of a mine, designing of a mine and mineral processing circuit, economic study and recommendations.

Second Year Students

EBS 201 Mineral Deposits

Fundamental knowledge on ore deposit, types, geological formation and classification. Aspects or features of mineral occurrence and mineral prospect,  mineral deposit and ore deposit, Economic Mineral/geology, ore and ore minerals, World distribution and statistics, marketing grade/quality and specification.

 Theories on ore genesis. Regional and metallorgraphy epoch. Ore-forming processes (geological, chemical, and physical process),   hydrothermal geochemistry, metal transport and deposition in ore-forming systems (chemical equilibrium), stable isotopes) and Geochemical traps. Ore deposit Environment,

 Ore deposit types, group, ore bodies characteristics and classification (e.g. Hydrothermal deposits, Magmetics, Sedimentary deposits, skarn deposit, placer/alluvial deposit, residual mineral deposits.  Porphyry deposits (Porphyry Copper, Iron-manganese etc). Quartz veins hydrothermal deposits (gold, tin, uranium, copper).

 Sulphide stratiform deposits: Pb-Zn stratabound deposits. Alluvial deposits (Au, Sn) including paleo-placer. Banded iron formations. Manganese, phosphate and evaporate deposits. Coal. Iron-manganese deposits (Nickel laterite and Bauxite). Sec-ondary enrichment. Sulphide deposits. Starabound volcanogenic massive. Contact metamorphism and metamorphic deposits. Non-metallic minerals (Industrial minerals).

 Textural and structural properties of ore and gangue minerals. Fluid inclusions. Geothermometry and geobarometry. Paragenesis sequence and Zoning.


EBS 209 Mineralogy

To prepare student with a broad and fundamental knowledge of minerals, which is a major constituent of earth material (rock and ore), and formed in various geological environments. Emphasis is given in understanding of mineral definition and characteristics in terms of formation phenomenon, crystallography, mineral chemistry, physical properties, classification system and groups, including mineral identification and analysis techniques.


Third Year Students

EBS 328 Exploration Geochemistry

Types of geochemical media and parameters: stream sediments,  soil,  water, gas, lithogeochemistry, heavy mineral concentrate, hydrogeochemistry (water), and biogeochemical/plant. The role of chemical and physical weathering. The role of pH, Eh, adsorption, mobility on dispersion patterns. Primary versus secondary.

 Field methodology and levels: Reconnaissance survey, regional and detailed surveys/ mapping, orientation surveys, field sampling techniques and requirements (equipment/tool), magnitude of sampling. Grab sampling, Augering, adit, pitting, trenching and borehole sampling.

Data analysis, presentation and interpretation: Statistical treatment of geochemical data–e.g. simple statistics, lognormal statistics, geostatistics. Anomalies maps (2D),  Dispersion patterns (halos -primary and secondary), pathfinder elements, path indicator elements, contamination etc. Application of statistical analysis, results interpretation of geochemical survey anomaly map and recommendation

 Application of specific software(e.g. Surfer) in data analysis and anomaly presentation (graph/maps). Identifying type of anomalies, false anomalies, reserve, grade and tonnage estimation (Primary or alluvium/placer deposit).


EBS 339 Economic Minerals

 Introduction to methods of investment analysis for new mining projects. Cashflow analysis. Comparison between alternative investment types. Evaluate the costing for investment appraisals. Economic evaluation of mineral resource industry projects. Economic ore evaluation and optimum selection of ore reserve evaluation techniques. Factors effecting planning costs, phases of work for preparation of feasibility studies and preliminary system reports. Ore reserve evaluation techniques using geostatistical method, which includes semi-variography (structural analysis), kriging, global estimation, optimisation of sampling grids, topographical profiling; complemented by triangular, polygonal and weighted/inverse distance evaluation methods.


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