Student Supervision

This page is mainly about my supervision with my undergraduates students. I do enjoy supervision so much..

My Journey as A Supervisor

We're getting new family members. Alhamdulillah, we are growing each year. Taj, Idzni, Mimi, and Lutfan are now with us. They are highly active and have a high level of motivation. It's wonderful to have them all here. Even though the semester doesn't start until October, we've already started working together in July. We had gone through a lot of things together. Seminars, presentations, information sharing, and they've recently won gold and silver medals. It was a lovely moment. From the bottom of my heart, I believe we can achieve more and more together.

Again, I've always wanted to make each of them a doctoral candidate in my heart. I pray to Allah that I will be able to provide them with excellent guidance. Amin.

"Help me in order to help u"


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Proud with three of them!

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Enjoy ur new journey over here geng!



Muhammad Mirza and Nadira Andatina graduated from the School of Industrial Technology with a Bachelor of Bioprocess Technology. It was a proud moment for me to realise that both of them had completed their studies under my guidance. May they continue to excel in their job in the future. Please keep me in mind when you're here! =).
I've always believed in triple-helix bonding, in which the three essential parts that must be present in this field of research study are: I students, ii) SV, and iii) thesis. If a student is a bright candidate but has a terrible SV, honestly say that this student will be lost and that his or her thesis will be of low/poor quality. 

Similarly, if SV has performed well, but the student lacks desire and dedication to study, honestly say that the thesis and the student's studies will be abandoned. Here, SV plays a critical role in helping to enhance it. However, it would be ideal if these three factors were present to assure the pupils' survival on the journey. I constantly say something to the squad that I think is important:

"Please help me, in order to help u."

Do support your SV who has been really devoted to bringing you to the correct path; all he asks is that you appreciate and accept his message so that we may all prosper in our quest for enlightenment together. 'Iqra' is the first wahyu in Islam. Thus, Iqra. Read, read, and read.


My Research Family

Here are my research’s family photos.

Undergraduate : Nurul Najwa & Nurhazirah
Masters : Muhammad Najib & Nurul Atiqah
PhD : Muhammad Farhan


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SV and Students Time


Me and them again..hehe


Sweet moment with student 1


Sweet moment with student 2


Me and them



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