Educational Background



At age of 5, I have start my early education journey at Tadika Precious Ones, Kota Bharu. As a kindergarten student, I learn how to read, write and count or (3M - membaca, menulis, mengira) and at Tadika Precious Ones, I also learn basic Chinese character. In this level, I have master this skill and it helped me a lot during my primary school. I also have beautiful memory as a kindergarten student but sadly I have lost most of my kindergarten photos. 

Primary School

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I studied at SK Zainab 2 which is an all girls school since 2004 until 2009. I have learn a lot from here and made many friends. I am also a school prefect and very active in choral speaking along with my friends. In 2009, I have excelled my UPSR with flying colours. 

Secondary School

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In 2010, I studied at SMK Zainab 1 which is also an all girls school. An all girls school are really fun and I have gained so much from here including friends and knowledge. However, it only last for a few months since I received an offer letter to study in MRSM Tumpat. 


In Jun 2010, I moved to different school which is MRSM Tumpat. It is located near to Pantai Geting. It held so much activities on every weekend and had a week of "Activity Week" where we held so much productive programs including community services and mock interview. In 2012, I have excelled my PMR examination with 8As. MRSM really changed my life in so many ways. I have learn a lot and gained so much experiences during my teenage years. Being a teenager really make me feel the happiest along with my friends. 


 In the upper form, I have choose science stream which includes physics, chemistry and biology. It was a tough journey I might say. However, along with them, everything are enjoyable. This photo was taken during Chemistry Camp before our trial SPM (SPMRSM). Being in upper form are really challenging for me, and I am still grateful that I have received my SPM results with 5As, 2B, 1C+, and 1C. Throughout my teenage years in MRSM Tumpat, I am really active in Girls Guide and have joined every activity that being held including going camping with the Girls Guide from other MRSM. It was such a fun experience!

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This is my classmate in Form 5. Every moment with them are filled with laughter and joy. This photo is taken during Hari Raya Celebration in MRSM Tumpat with our AddMaths teacher, Sir Apandi.




In 2015, I went to Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) to pursue my studies in Diploma in Computer Engineering.  I have made new friends from different states all around Malaysia. In this photo, they are my close friends who are also my housemate during my Diploma years and have been one of my support system to go through every moment in Perlis. 




Three years in UniMAP have made me really active especially in Girls Guide. Every week are filled with different activities including hiking, community services and sometime camping. The first photo are taken during the Girl Guide Annual Grand Meeting, the second photo are taken during community services with the special kids, and the last photo are taken during our hike at Puncak Gua Cenderawasih, Perlis. Along my journey in UniMAP, I have proved myself that I can go through any obstacles and challenges in this life. I finished my diploma in 2017 and have graduated with Diploma in Computer Engineering in 2018.



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In 2018 until 2022, I continued my studies in different course which is Social Sciences in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). I decided to challenge myself with social science for a change. Even though it was not easy at first, but I managed to adapt in different environment. Throughout these years, I have excelled these majors with flying colours and it shows that I am easy to adapt with any changes.



Before Covid-19 hits our country, I have participated in Community Services Program (Rancangan Khidmat Komuniti (RKK)) with my friends. Various activities were held in every semester and I have learn and gained so much experiences through this. By joining Community Services, it teach me to appreciate more about the little things in life and I have made new friends along the way. 



I also joined ANSOS Club as soon as I decided to take Anthropology & Sociology as my major. Through this, I have learn so much more about ANSOS and even about other things. I am AJK Multimedia for one semester and on the next semester, I have held a bigger responsibility which is as ANSOS Club's Treasurer (Bendahari Agong Kelab ANSOS). Although we did not get to do much during Covid-19, I have enjoyed every single moment with other members and friends on each semester. They are all really fun to be around with. I hope in this last semester, I will be able to be the best version of myself and will graduate on time along with my friends.  



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