Collection: Portfolio

Research and Publications

About Research



Research Interests

Research areas:

Industrial Economics

Sustainable consumption and production

International Trade

Literacy and well-being



After completing my master degree, I pursued my dream to work as a researcher at the WorldFish Center (CGIAR). Worldfish Center is an international non-profit research organisation with the mission to reduce poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture. From there, I gained knowledge and experience in producing impactful research related to rural development and poverty reduction, working with people from a multicultural background, managing cross-disciplinary and cross-institution projects. 

Best Thesis Award 2018


Conference Best Paper Award



Journal articles

Seng Huat Tan, Meenchee Hong*, (2018). Carbon Emissions, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in ASEAN: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel ApproachGlobal Business and Management Research: An International Journal 2018, Special issue: Vol. 10 Issue 1, pp. 280-292. 

Meenchee Hong, Chu Ei Yet*, Song, Saw Imm, (2018). Exchange Rate Exposure and Crude Oil Price: The Case of an Emerging Market. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.157–184

Tran, C. Crissman, A. Chijere, M.C. Hong, S. J. Teoh, and R. O. Valdivia. (2013) Ex-ante assessment of integrated aquaculture-agriculture adoption and impact in Southern Malawi. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Penang, Malaysia. Working Paper: AAS-2013-03.

D.C. Israel, M. Ahmed, E. Petersen, B. H. Yeo and M.C. Hong (2007) Economic Valuation of Aquatic Resources in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. Vol. 31 No.1 Page 111-135 2007. 

M.C. Hong and Narayanan, Suresh (2006) Restoring the Shine to a Pearl: Recycling Behavior in Penang, Malaysia. Development and ChangeVol. 37 Issue 5 Page 1117 September 2006.


Book Chapters

Meenchee Hong, Zhang-Yue Zhou and Guanghua Wan (2017). Food security in Pakistan Bangladesh, Indonesia and Singapore. In: Zhang-Yue Zhou and Guanghua Wan (Eds), Food insecurity in Asia: Institutions matter. Tokyo: Brookings.

Zhang-Yue Zhou, Meenchee Hong and Guanghua Wan (2017). Review of literature. In: Zhang-Yue Zhou and Guanghua Wan (Eds), Food insecurity in Asia: Institutions matter. Tokyo: Brookings.

Zhang-Yue Zhou, Meenchee Hong, Guanghua Wan and Rabiul Beg (2017). Achieving food security in Asia: cross-country experiences and lessons. In: Zhang-Yue Zhou and Guanghua Wan (Eds), Food insecurity in Asia: Institutions matter. Tokyo: Brookings.

Zhang-Yue Zhou, Guang-Hua Wan, and Meen Chee Hong (2017). Asia’s Food Security in the Past 50 Years: Achievements and Challenges. In: Zhang-Yue Zhou and Guanghua Wan (Eds), Food insecurity in Asia: Institutions matter. Tokyo: Brookings.

Yeo, B. H., D. Squires, K. Ibrahim, H. Gjertsen, S. K. Syed Mohd. Kamil, R. Zulkifli, T. Groves, Dutton, P. H., M. C. Hong, and C. H. Tan (2011). Sea turtle-fisheries interactions in coastal fisheries: A case study of east coast Peninsular Malaysia. In: Dutton, P. H., Squires, D. and Ahmed. M (Eds.), Conservation of Pacific Sea Turtles (290-318). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.

Yeo, B. H., D. Squires, K. Ibrahim, H. Gjertsen, S. K. Syed Mohd. Kamil, R. Zulkifli, T. Groves, Dutton, P. H., M. C. Hong, and C. H. Tan (2011). Can coastal fisheries bear the cost of sea turtle conservation? Evidence from the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. In: Dutton, P. H., Squires, D. and Ahmed. M (Eds.), Conservation of Pacific Sea Turtles (319-349). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.

Yeo, B. H., D. Squires, K. Ibrahim, H. Gjertsen, S. K. Syed Mohd. Kamil, R. Zulkifli, T. Groves, M. C. Hong, and C. H. Tan (2007). Fisher profiles and perceptions of sea turtle-fishery interactions: case study of east coast Peninsular Malaysia. WorldFish Center Discussion Series No.6. Penang, Malaysia: the WorldFish Center.


Papers Presented at Conferences

Best paper award

Title: Which are more authentic? The conceptualization of trust in halal consumption. Presented at the International Conference on Business Sustainability and innovation 2018, Penang, Malaysia. 

Title: Determinants of Chinese Muslims’ consumption of halal products: evidence from revealed preference data. Presented at the 28th Chinese Economics Society Australia Conference 2016, Cairns, Australia. 

Title: Malaysia’s exports to China: does diplomatic relationship matter? Presented at: The 26th Chinese Economics Society Australia Conference 2014, Melbourne.



Sheriff, N., Joffre, O., Hong, M.C., Barman, B., Haque, A.B.M., Rahman, F., Zhu, J., Nguyen, H. van, Russell, A., Brakel, M. van, Valmonte-Santos, R., Werthmann, C. and Kodio, A. 2010. Community-based fish culture in seasonal floodplains and irrigation systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food.


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