Individual & Grouping Work For PGT436E

This page consists of all my individual and also grouping for the subject PGT436E ICT in Education.

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A Bold Discussion

How I as Digital Natives can help my students (much more Natives than me) in using technology to learn.


To be bold, the role of a teacher is fundamentally changing as these digital natives’ students, can't live without technology. If we continue using the traditional chalk-and-talk approach, we won't be able to enhance their abilities in learning.

The teacher no longer has the monopoly of knowledge delivery, since accessing and acquiring knowledge has changed different so much.

E-learning portal such as Google Classroom, Flipgrid Classroom or Edmodo is a good example of how to cater to the need of these students.

They can have 24/7 access to tools and resources and they can communicate with one another, at any time, in any place.

Other than that, today’s students prefer images to text, so we as a teacher need to utilize various technology tools and application to create a more captivating learning journey for them! 

Info-graphic Using Piktochart


Learn New Things!

learn new things.jpg

The best part about this subject is, every class & every assignment, I will be able to learn new things and new technology.

This subject is not about being an expert in technology but,

it is about us being competent in using technology as a platform for us to build a learning community, for us to share knowledge.

(p/s: being an expert in technology is a bonus! tongue-out)


How Different I Am As A 21st Century Teacher

The 21st Century Flipped Classroom Explanation Using Screencast O Matic

Podcast Using Anchor Fm

Tes Teach CMS

Mind Map: Copyright for Educators Using Coggle


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