Photo Gallery Of My Journey As A Student

This page consists of my own photo gallery that I have been split into two videos which is video Part 1, consists of my journey as a student since I was in Primary School back in 2008 until Form 6 (2016) and video Part 2, consists of my journey as a student in USM. 

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Part 1: My Journey As A Student Before Entering USM

Part 2: My Journey As A Student in USM

Part 1 Video Description

Holla everyone!

This is a description for video part 1.

Basically, I made a time-compilation photo journey, starting when I'm in primary school 2008 (Standard 6) until 2016 when I'm in form 6. 

Video Timeline:

Duration 0-1: when I'm in primary school.

Duration 1-3: when I'm in secondary school. 

Duration 3-3:50: when I'm in PLKN. 

Duration 3:50-8:40: when I'm in Form 6 


Make sure you watch the entire video!

Part 2 Video Description

This photo gallery compilation in the video consists of 9 parts of my journey as a student here in USM.

Video Timeline:

Part 1: Orientation Week (0:17-0.49)

Part 2: My Orator Journey (0:50-2:37)

Part 3: SJAM USM Family (2:38-6:48)

Part 4: Pimpin Siswa Programme (6:49-8:02)

Part 5: PERMAS Family (8:03-9:21)

Part 6: Activities@Assignments (9:22-17:43)

-Geography Field Work (9:37-10:25)

-PGA 103 Group Activities (10:26-10:46)

-WUS Selling Day (10:47-10:56)

-PGA 102 First Year to School (10:57-11:56)

-PGT 203 Class Renovation Programme (11:57-12:31)

-PGT 219 ABM Competition Day (12:32-13:01)

-PGT 203 Teater Competition Day (13:02-13:30)

Part 7: Project 3K Selama (13:31-14:39)

Part 8: Dean's List Award (14:40-15:34)

Part 9: Friendship Memories (15:35-17:43) 

Enjoy watching cool


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