About me

Tags: biodata

This page tells everything about myself. 

Mohamad Danial Shafiq (Dan)

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Dan's Resume

Dan's Life Goals

Life is too short, but yet too many to explore. We discover so many encounters every day, small or big, surely these encounters are best to have them benefited and well-utilized. Dan's life goal is simple, which is to be better and better every day at what does.

Character development is vital to grab so many worldly things in life. As we design our future and what we thirst for, in life, tangible and materialistic goals may not last. These goals too will keep changing depending on-trend and influence. All that matters is how consistent the effort is being put in to achieve these. Its always Dan's aim to be a better Dan tomorrow, than the one he was yesterday. 

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Dan's Personal Life

Dan's birth name is Mohamad Danial Shafiq. He was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December 1989. Dan is a second child of five siblings and the firstborn of a pair of identical twins. His twin also goes by 'Dan', and is often referred to as 'Dan 2'. Dan grew up with most of his siblings in a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, and he is always called the 'town boy'. 
Dan enjoys outdoor activities and tried every sport that existed on land and water. He is well-known for being a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to sports. Among all sports, Dan likes playing tennis and watersports such as surfing and swimming. Occasionally, Dan goes for horse-riding, polo-ing, and skiing (depending on seasons). 



Dan's definition of tranquility

Dan's Education and Campus Life


  • Tadika Sempurna, Kuala Lumpur
  • Sekolah Kebangsaan Gombak Setia + Sekolah Rendah Agama Taman Ibu Kota
  • Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Gombak Setia
  • Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan
  • Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • University of Bristol, UK

In 2008, Dan was enrolled in Polymer Engineering program under the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia. During his undergraduate time, Dan joined and lead many student-led activities and organizations. Among the notable ones were 'A Walk for Life', a fundraising activity for the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Think Wise! (a plastic waste awareness campaign) and TwtUpKejut (a festival that combines charity, entrepreneurship, and entertainment) in 2014. Dan was elected as the Student Representative Council Member for Postgraduate in 2014 and was involved in many activities and programs.



Teaser video for TwtUpKejut in 2014



Dan at Dewan Perundangan Pelajar (Students Parliament) 

Teaching Philosophy

  • Knowledge is unlimited for everyone and knowledge should be experienced physically by learners parallels to technological advancements.
  • Learners' experience is vital to broaden their minds to experience real life problems, and knowledge is not only on lecture notes. Most real-life issues cannot be only solved by abiding by the procedures, instead, both experiences and theories/ procedures are crucial.

          Example: I taught courses involved materials characterizations and analytical interpretations based on data, so conventional teaching can be mundane and boring.