Micro teaching represents an appropriate innovative technique for helping the pupil teacher’s being trained in the colleges of education in their acquisition of the desired teaching skills.
Benefit of Micro Teaching Learning
Microteaching is a training opportunity and the students can profit from all of the advantages of the situation.
Microteaching provides the student with a much less complex learning milieu than, e.g., school practice.
It offers the student the opportunity to more easily and purposefully practice teaching skills during the presentation of micro-lessons.
It provides the student with a context in which his primary responsibility is to learn to teach more effectively without the urgency of taking into account the needs and demands of pupils.
It offers the student the opportunity to systematically analyz and evaluate his teaching.
It offers the student the opportunity to practice particular teaching skills until they are mastered before the more complex real teaching situation is dared.
The systematic practice of teaching skills creates the possibility of forming a bridge between theory and practice.
Implementing interaction-analysis instruments offers the opportunity to objectively analyze particular activities and makes the student sensitive to part-activities that the skill manifests.
The fact that the micro-lesson takes a short time gives the student the opportunity to better identify the elements of the learning contents and then further design his micro-lesson around them.
Latihan Koordinat Tingkatan 5, I gained my very first experience in preparing exam questions for the Form 5 students together with some other volunteer teachers in USM.