Teaching responsibility and methods


I just completed my Master of Clinical Dentistry( MclinDent) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery(OMFS) at University of Malaya back in August 2021.

For my  final year attachment, I have to attach at two different Hospital to sharpen my surgical skills and learn from respected senior specialists. My first posting,I went for clinical attachment at Hospital Shah Alam, Selangor, as a registrar there I was given a task to teach new dental officers( NDO) that came for attachment of hospital base dentistry for a period of one month. The NDOs will tag during my oncall, ward round and operation theater assisting me.

I am expected to assess their performance in term of attitudes towards patient, their basic surgical skills such as removal of impacted teeth, insertion of branula, blood taking procedures as well as their suturing skills.

For my second attachment, I came back to HUSM, here my role was slightly different, as a trainee lecturer ,I am expected to teach the undergraduate dental students as an extra  to the above mentioned responsibilities. I am also heavily involved in teaching postgraduate OMFS students and showing them how to provide comprehensive patient's management and sharpen their surgical skills.

As a new lecturer, I was elected as a co-supervisor for postgraduate student as this will be a platform for me  to be involve in mentoring  and orientate the postgraduate student research activity in term of how to adhere to Gantt Chart timeline.

I am also involved in clinical supervision for undergraduate and postgraduate students, conducting ward round, case consultation from primary care unit.

As a new lecturer, I was introduced to our lesson plan for example GNT 308( Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Radiology) and I am expected to be one of the chairperson or in charge of one of the lesson plan when I am finishing my gazettement period and confirmed as a lecturer.

Clinical supervision for undergraduate student performing minor oral surgery


Co- supervisor for postgraduate OMFS


GNT 308 Lesson Plan



Oral maxillofacial surgery and radiology I course deals mainly with the basic diagnostic and treatment approaches of pathological lesions within and around the mouth, maxillofacial trauma and corrections of abnormalities. The aim is to ensure that the student has a thorough knowledge of the materials and techniques of local analgesia and is competent in exodontia and its complications. It is also expected that the student be able to diagnose various disorders with the aids of appropriate radiographic imaging(if required) and initiate proper referrals. Students will be assessed through course work that will be recorded through a log book. In addition, evaluation will be made during case presentation and case report.

GNT 308


My GNT308 lectures 2021/22


Example of teaching and learning activities in GNT 308


My E-Learn enrollment 2021

Enrolled courses.jpg

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