Collection: E-portfolio

Teaching Philosophy

What I tell my students...


My Teaching Philosophy

As a student, I was always eager to learn. I had my fair share of good and bad learning experiences as a student. The good ones are those that I keep close to my heart and the bad memories I will keep in mind not to repeat. These are memories that I could use for my future teaching guidance.

I teach mostly undergraduate students and I believe they need proper guidance in their education and also in their current budding stage before they step into the working world. As I am teaching Psychology, I can use the subject and relate to their everyday life. I am still new in the teaching field but I aspire to incorporate fun and creative way of how to teach Psychology to my students. A variety of ways I could do that is through hands-on learning, projects, games, group work, and individual work that engage and activate students learning.

Adopting A Pedagogical Model


Pedagogical Model



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