Collection: E-portfolio

Teaching Instructional Materials

Interactive Online Activities with Students

Here is a little sneak peek at the materials and activities I used for my courses. The courses that I have taught in USM has been a shared journey with my esteemed colleagues who are also co-lecturers in the two courses I teach. These two courses are STU231 Introduction to Psychology and STU242 Social Psychology.

I love using Word Cloud on menti meter. Just to sum up my lectures at the end of each lecture.


I find Menti meter very useful in terms of engaging students. Especially when motion on the screen is involved..


Asking questions on Menti Meter. Allowing students to answer anonymously which encourages them to answer.


Using Padlet to post selfies and students' assignments.


Sometimes, I also participate in their assignment by doing the assignment I give students. *Spot me*


This is an example of my video recording posted on Youtube.


Giving tutorial exercises using Google Form is a way I mark student's attendance. I usually give them a period of 1 week to complete their tutorial exercises, just in case they face internet connectivity issues.

These tutorial exercises, often times I embed videos and give them quizzes to answer based on the videos.


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