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Home Course Search ePortfolio Mahara Teaching Assessment
This course will discuss various aspects of biology, taxonomy, evolution and ecology of fish. Emphasis will be placed on aspects of adaptation of life in aquatic habitats, based on morphology and anatomy closely related to fish physiology such as respiration, circulatory system, nutrition, excretion, sensory nerves, movement and reproduction. The importance of fish from economics, zoogeography and ecology is also discussed.

Kursus ini akan membincangkan pelbagai aspek biologi, taksonomi, evolusi dan ekologi ikan. Penekanan akan diberikan merangkumi aspek penyesuaian hidup di habitat akuatik, berdasarkan morfologi dan anatomi berkait rapat  fisiologi ikan seperti pernafasan, sistem peredaran darah, pemakanan, perkumuhan, saraf-organ deria, pergerakan dan pembiakan. Kepentingan ikan dari ekonomi, zoogeografi dan ekologi turut dibincangkan.
Skill Level: Beginner