My Family

This page will bring you to know about My Lovely Family 

My Lovely Family

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My family

Family is very important and valuable to me and is something that should never be taken for granted. Without my family, a large part of my life and culture would be missing.

I got married in 2017 (hmm..quite late age to get married right?  but its ok and Alhamdulillah, Allah knows better what are the best for me…J) What else can I ask from Allah. He granted me with a lovely husband and an adorable daughter. Alhamdulillah.

Before I got married, my mum, my dad and my four siblings have been my pillar of my strength. They has been always by my side ups and downs. They have taught me how to be a better person and Alhamdulillah I became what I am now. My mum is a housewife and my dad is a businessman (a small business aka IKS-Industri Kecil Sedehana). My dad was the first Bumiputera in Penang whose processed mee kuning, kue teow and tauhu since 1979 after he quick from being a soldier. My dad work very hard and it’s not easy for him and he always hide away his troubles for the sake of his family. He has taught me the real meaning of strength.

I feel very lucky to be born in a family which has made me be a better person. For me, families are a blessing not everyone is fortunate enough to have. They are the only ones who believe in you when the whole world doubts you. Certainly, it is a true blessing to have a positive family by your side.


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