Collection: E-portfolio Norlia Mahror

IMG 111 Food Microbiology 1

IMG 111 Food Microbiology 1

Course Synopsis

The course begins with an introduction to the field and history of microbiology. Topics to be discussed include the structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, microbial classification, physiology, genetics, microbial control by physical and chemical methods. Practical components include microscopy, culturing techniques, isolation, microbial identification and calculation.


  • History and scope of microbiology
  • Prokaryotic cell structure & function
  • Eukaryotic cell structure & function
  • Microbial nutrition
  • Microbial growth
  • Microbial control by physical and chemical agents
  • Immunity and diseases by microorganism
  • Microbial metabolism
  • Microbial genetics: Gene structure, replication and expression
  • Microbial evolution, taxonomy & diversity
  • Introduction to viruses
  • Introduction to yeast and mold
  • Microscopy, Gram staining, size measurement and morphology
  • preparation and sterilization of various media, microbial culture & aseptic techniques
  • Serial dilution, biochemical test and antimicrobial activity

Course Learning Outcome

  • CLO1: Identify various types of microorganisms, morphology, structures and functions of organelles
  • CLO2: Explains the mechanism of microbial biochemistry, physiology, metabolism and genetics
  • CLO3: Implement methods for cultivation, isolation and identification of microorganisms
  • CLO4: Describe the mechanism of growth, control, and prevention of microorganisms
  • CLO 5: Describe orally and in writing the basic principles, theories, and methods of food microbiology


  • Final exam 40%
  • Test 20%
  • Practical test 10%
  • Assignment 20%
  • Lab report 10%


  • Willey, J., Sherwood, L. & Woolverton, C. (2011). Prescott’s Microbiology 8th Edition. McGraw Hill. (Call number: QW4.W714 2011)
  • Talaro, K. & Chess, B. (2018). Foundations in Microbiology 10th Edition. McGraw Hill. (Call number: QR41.2.T137 2012a)
  • Ray, B. (2007). Fundamental Food Microbiology, 4th Edition. CRC Press: Washington. (QR115.R263 2008)
  • Doyle, M.P. & Beuchat, L.R. (2013). Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers. ASM Press: Washington. (W85.F686 2013)
  • Montville, T.J, & Matthews, K.R. (2005). Food Microbiology: An Introduction, 3rd Edition. ASM Press: Washington. (QR115.M814 2005f)


  • Dr. Effarizah Mohd Esah
  • Dr. Norlia Mahror

Instructional Plan


For this course, we have group and individual assignments. Full instruction for each assignment is available in the eLearn but usually, I will explain further in class so that the students will understand better what they need to do. If they have any questions regarding the assignments, I encourage them to contact me via Whatsapp as this is the best medium for communication so far. Below is the example of an instruction that I posted in eLearn:


1. Group presentation

Form a group of 4-5 members. The members need to be multiracial.  Each group is required to prepare a 10-minute presentation on your topic of choice which is related to food microbiology. You need to summarize one topic in a maximum of a 5-page slide presentation. Use a catchy title for your presentation. In order for you to summarize the topic, consider the use of attractive diagrams.  This assignment will carry 10% out of your 60% coursework mark. The choice of topic is a first-come first-served basis. Please reply to this forum with the name of your group members and the title. You can choose any title based on the course but any selected title already taken by your classmate cannot be chosen anymore.


2. Video assignment

Please submit your video assignment on 20 July 2021 before 5 pm. You will need to submit your video via the FACEBOOK platform. Please search for IMG 111 Video Assignment 2021 on Facebook, request to be included in the group, and please submit your video before the dateline. In order for your submission to get through, please request to be added to the group earlier, so that we can approve your request. All of you can also watch other students' videos and we can interact and discuss from there. The video should be in 3 minutes max. All the best!

 These are some of the videos prepared by the students.:


Class activities

For semester 2 (2020/2021), I have two lecture slots on Tuesday for IMG 111 Food Microbiology 1 [10.00 am - 12 pm and 3.00 - 5.00 pm]. Initially, the afternoon session was for a practical class (Lab), but we need to reschedule it due to the restriction to enter the lab during the conditional movement control order (CMCO). So, we had to finish all the lab classes during the first half of the semester and replace the lab session with lectures for the second half of the semester.
I understand that the students will have a hard time having the same lectures for the whole day. So, I need to do something to help them. I used Mentimeter for a quick survey to get their feedback and expectation for this course. Based on the survey, most of them asked for quizzes, discussion, and a few breaks during the class. So, I prepared myself for that, organized my lecture notes and planned for the class activities. I also uploaded my lecture notes and the reading materials such as articles, video, etc., at least a few days in advance so that they can read the notes before entering my class.

I will share some of the activities that have been carried out for this course.

1. Padlet

I used breakout sessions in Webex to separate the students into different groups and worked on a particular topic. The instructions and topics for each group had been posted in eLearn a few days in advance. During the class, I just delivered one hour lecture followed by the breakout session. For the activity, they need to study a given topic and share the information with their classmates in Padlet. They need to work together with the group members and prepare a slide presentation using an online platform such as google slides and Canva. These platforms allow them to collaborate with the group members in real-time. After 30 minutes, three groups were chosen using an online tool (random name picker) to present their slides. They also need to read all the slides posted in the Padlet and vote for the best slide! The winners were rewarded with online Nasi Kandar!!

Click on this link Introduction to Fungi to see the Padlet.

2. Kahoot

I used Kahoot a lot during my lectures. This is an excellent platform for simple quizzes that can be done to test the student’s knowledge after class. They had a lot of fun during the Kahoot time because this is the best time to recap what they had learned during the class and get more clarification for the incorrect answers. The top three students will be announced once the quiz is over.

3. Youtube videos

I usually post a good YouTube video in eLearn for certain topics that need further understanding, such as DNA replication, protein synthesis, microbial cell metabolism, etc. Sometimes, I used H5P, which is available in eLearn, to create interactive video content by adding questions or feedback in the video.

4. Mentimeter / Wooclap

Mentimeter / Wooclap are always the best tool to get fast responses from students during the lecture. I usually use Word Cloud and Open-ended Questions to ask for the student’s opinion on certain topics that have been discussed in class. So far, they are very responsive and actively participate in the class activity.



Padlet (PDF) - You may click on the link to view the student's slides

Reward for the BEST slides in Padlet!!


Microbial metabolism Energy release and conservation

Microbial genetics

Introduction to viruses

Introduction to fungi (yeast & mold)

Microbial evolution, taxonomy, & biodiversity

eLearn (YouTube video)




Kahoot! (Questions)


Kahoot! (Podium)






IMG 111 Lab practical



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