Collection: E-portfolio Norlia Mahror

IMG 222 Food Microbiology 2




IMG 222 Food Microbiology 2

Course Synopsis

This course covers factors responsible for the selection of specific spoilage organisms of different food commodities; microbiology of various food commodities, indicator organisms, microbiological criteria and sampling plans. Various foodborne pathogens are also discussed. The laboratory component covers microbiological examination of foods for both indicator and pathogenic organisms.


  • Introduction to food spoilage and contamination
  • Factors influencing the growth of microorganism in foods
  • Indicator organisms for quality, safety, and sanitation
  • Microbiology of milk and dairy products
  • Microbiology of meat and meat products
  • Microbiology of poultry and poultry products
  • Microbiology of fish and seafood products
  • Microbiology of fruits and vegetables
  • Microbiology of canned foods
  • Thermal resistance
  • Food preservation
  • Foodborne pathogens (Infection, intoxication, and toxicoinfection: Gram Negative and Gram Positive pathogens)
  • Microbiological criteria and sampling plans
  • Laboratory practicals (Microbiological examination of milk, Microbiological examination of meat; Isolation and identification of Salmonella in chicken; Isolation and identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae from seafoods; Isolation and identification of Staphylococcus aureus from ready to eat food; Isolation and identification of Clostridium perfringens)

Course learning outcome

  • CLO 1: Identify beneficial microorganisms, spoilage organisms, and pathogens in food, and suitable conditions for microbial growth
  • CLO 2: Discuss the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in relation to food spoilage by microorganisms
  • CLO 3: Perform cultivation, isolation and identification methods on the presence of spoilage organisms and pathogens in food
  • CLO 4: Explain the influence of various physical, chemical and biological processes used in food processing on spoilage organisms and pathogens
  • CLO5: Describe orally and in writing on the concept, principle and techniques in food microbiology


  • Final exam 40%
  • Test 20%
  • Practical test 10%
  • Lab report 10%
  • Assignment 10%
  • Presentation 10%


  • Montville, T.J., & Matthews, K.R. (2005). Food Microbiology: An Introduction. ASM Press: Washington. (QR115.M814 2005 f)
  • Adams, M.r. & Moss, M.O. (2008). Food Microbiology. Royal Society of Chemicatry: Cambridge. (QR115.A216 2008)
  • Doyle, M.P. & Beauchat, L.R. (2007). Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers. ASM Press: Washington (QR155.F686 2007 f)
  • Arun, K.B. (2008). Foodborne Microbial Pathogens: Mechanisms and Pathogenesis. Springer Publishers: Heidelberg. (QR201.F62B575 2008)


  • Dr. Norlia Mahror (Course coordinator)
  • Dr. Effarizah Mohd Esah

Instructional plan

Group sssignment (Presentation)

Rubric for presentation

Individual assignment (Essay)

Answer scheme for essay

Assignment (Lab report)

Rubric for lab report

Photos of students during their lab practical

These are some of the photos taken during the practical class that is conducted face-to-face this year (2021).  Luckily they have the opportunity to enter the lab since USM allowed the students to come back to the campus and continue their lab classes. However, they need to follow strict SOPs all the time. We will make sure that they scan the body temperature and MySejahtera code before entering the lab. The lab practicals are conducted in 4 sessions and each session consists of max 20 students only (Total: 75 students).



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Student's reflection and expectation

Lecture briefing

Introduction to food spoilage and contamination

Factors influencing the growth of microorganism in foods

Microbiology of fruits and vegetables

Food preservation

Thermal resistance

Foodborne pathogens (Infection, intoxication, and toxicoinfection: Gram Negative and Gram Positive pathogens)

Microbiological criteria and sampling plan

Lab videos

During the Movement Control Order (MCO) 2020, students were not able to come for practical classes. Therefore, we took the initiative to prepare a series of lab videos with assistance from the Laboratory Assistant, En. Ghoni. The lab manual and the videos were posted in eLearn weekly according to the lab schedule. Then, the students need to prepare two lab reports based on the given materials. In addition, the methodology and the principle of each experiment were also explained during the lecture to ensure that the students fully understood the concept.












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