Collection: E-portfolio Norlia Mahror

IMK 410 Foodborne Pathogens



IMK 410 Foodborne pathogens

Course Synopsis

The course covers incidence, trends, epidemiology, nature of illness, growth characteristics and current detection, prevention and control methods of both traditional and emerging foodborne pathogens (bacteria and their toxins, viruses, and parasites). Outbreaks of recent foodborne illness and their investigations will also be discussed.


  • Introduction to foodborne pathogens
  • Foodborne Gram-Negative pathogens (Salmonella, E. coli, Vibrio spp., Cronobacter sakazakii, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, Aeromonas spp.)
  • Foodborne Gram-Positive pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum)
  • Foodborne viruses (Norovirus, Hepatitis A, Rotavirus)
  • Foodborne parasites (Protozoa, Helminth)
  • Foodborne fungi (Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp.)
  • Foodborne outbreak investigation

Course Learning Outcomes

  • CLO 1: Explain the spread, pathogenesis, and situation for growth in food
  • CLO 2: Describe suitable methods to detect, prevent, and control the growth of pathogens
  • CLO 3: Analyse the incidence of food poisoning based on cases


  • Final exam 40%
  • Assignment 30%
  • Test 2-%
  • Presentation 10%


  • Bhunia, A.K. (2008). Foodborne Microbial Pathogens. Springer, New York. (Call number: QR201. F62B575 2008).
  • Fratamico, P.M., Bhunia, A.K. & Smith, J.L. (2008). Foodborne Pathogens: Microbiology and Molecular Biology. Horizon Scientific Press, Norfolk. (Call number: QR115.F686 2008 f)
  • Levin, R.E. (2010). Rapid Detection and Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens by Molecular Techniques. CRC Press, Boca Raton. (Call number: QR115.L665 2010)
  • Adley, C. (2006). Food-borne Pathogen: Methods and Protocol. Totowa, N.J. (Call number: QW85.F686a 2006)


  • Dr. Norlia Mahror (Course coordinator)
  • Dr. Effarizah Mohd Esah

Instructional plan

Group assignment & rubric

Test (MCQ)

E-learning materials

IMK 410 is an elective course for final year students. Previously, they have learned the basics of food microbiology in IMG 111 (Year 1) and IMG 222 (Year 2). For this course, they will study various types of foodborne pathogens that cause illnesses to humans and how to prevent the illnesses. This is the fundamental aspect that is required by a food microbiologist. In addition, they also learn how to investigate outbreaks related to foodborne illnesses. 

I always encourage students to be proactive in searching for more information regarding the lecture topics since they are already in the final year. I've tried to do student-centered learning during the lecture and I found that it is very interesting as the students become more active in class. I gave them the instruction, lecture notes, and reading materials in eLearn and they need to read and be prepared before coming to the class. During the lecture, they will be placed in different breakout sessions in Webex. They need to discuss the given topics and work together as a team to prepare a presentation slide using any online platforms such as Google Slides, Canva, Genially etc. The slides will be shared in Padlet and the chosen groups will present their work in class. I plan to do more student-centered learning in the future and for that, I would like to thank PM Dr. Mohd Saiful Bahri for his valuable sharing on SCL during the PnP 2020.

Instruction for the group discussion on Vibrio outbreak

Dear all,

Today we are going to have a short discussion on Vibrio outbreaks during the lecture. You will be assigned to different groups in the breakout session.

  1. Extract the information from the given website and summarize it in 1-2 slides
  2. Upload your slide in Padlet
  3. Selected groups will present their findings in 1-2 minutes


  1. What was the outbreak?
  2. Where did it happen?
  3. When was the outbreak?
  4. Who got affected?
  5. Why did it happen?
  6. How to prevent the outbreak?
  7. Any information that you think is important

Website link:

Group 1: Multistate Outbreak of Gastrointestinal Illnesses Linked to Oysters Imported from Mexico

Group 2: Vibrio parahaemolyticus Infections Linked to Fresh Crab Meat Imported from Venezuela

Group 3: Vibrio parahaemolyticus illnesses associated with consumption of shellfish, United States, 2013

Group 4: Pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Maryland, USA, 2012

Group 5: Vibrio parahaemolyticus Infections Associated with Consumption of Raw Shellfish --- Three States, 2006

Group 6: Cholera in Somalia, 28 February 2021

Group 7: Cholera in Haiti

Group 8: Vibrio vulnificus Infections Associated with Eating Raw Oysters -- Los Angeles, 1996

Below is the link for the padlet.

padlet 410.jpg


Besides that, I also prepared interactive videos using H5P in eLearn. Thank you to PM Dr. Azidah for teaching us how to use this application. 

H5P IMK 410.jpg.1


These are some of the youtube videos that I posted in eLearn so that the students can watch and understand the topic better. 

virus 3.jpgvirus 1.jpgvirus 2.jpg.1


Introduction to foodborne pathogens

Vibrio spp.

Escherichia coli

Cronobacter sakazakii

Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli

Yersinia enterocolitica

Aeromonas spp.

Mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins

Foodborne viruses


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