My Responsibility

It is all about obligations!

As a lecturer, I am responsible for an excellent or good in research, teaching, publication, consultancy, supervision, leadership, and management. Research leads the lists as it is the most important element that can differentiate me from the common one. It is about how I position myself in the current academic scenario to be relevant to the country and come out with impactful findings.

Regardless of the multi-tasking obligations as stated above, taking care of my students is the priority. They are the reason why I am in USM started my career. They are the cream of the cream from their cohort and may become the future leaders as well. I am responsible for bringing the best out of each student and engage with them professionally. It is not about conveying all the bits of knowledge in the syllabus only, but also guiding the students to uncover the content on their own as well. It is all about nurturing students to become an all-rounded individual with a kind heart and never forget their origin.  

 Challenges arise and dynamically test me. As one of the School of Civil Engineering family members, I must move forward, one should be able to overcome these common problems (laziness, lack of motivation, poor time management, limited support, fear of failure, fear of taking risks, lack of self-confidence, no focus or direction, comfort zone, lack of relevant experience). Being consistent is the key, be humble, and must work as a team. I am also responsible to establish strong networks at national and international levels. Sincere discussion with peers is needed to move further.  

 Therefore, I must be different and be creative. But at the same time respect others. I must set the mission and vision clearly and work hard and smart for it. Hard work and sacrifice are not an option. These elements are essential to driving me out of my comfort zone.

Struggle to Survice



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