This course introduces students to the principles and various spectrochemical techniques including optical spectrometry, molecular absorption spectrometry, molecular flourescence spectroscopy, atomic spectroscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This course will be taught via lecture, discussion, PBL and practical. Students will also perform mini project related to analytical chemistry using the analytical techniques which have been taught. Students will be assessed through tests, practical reports, project dan final examination. There are 2 lecturers involved in this course ie. AP. Dr. Nik Fakhuruddin Nik Hassan (Course Coordinator) and Dr. Noor Zuhartini Md. Muslim.

As this course combines flipped and BLS (blended learning substitutions) classes, students are expected to have already gone through the materials provided beforehand and be prepared for lectures.
Skill Level: Beginner