This course is a core component (capstone) for those undertaking DBA program. This course is an extension of research methodology subject, i.e., AGW 728. It is offered in Semester 1 and takes a minimum of three semesters to complete. Students are required to submit their dissertation which will be evaluated by appointed examiners (internal and external). In this course, students demonstrate that they have acquired basic skills needed for undertaking scientific research applying qualitative and/or quantitative approaches as they develop problem statement on business related issue(s) they are investigating, developing literature review, research framework, research design (that include suitable sampling technique, research methods, questionnaire development, data collection methods and data analysis) which they then take for field work so that data collected can be interpreted and concluded in their DBA dissertation.

At the end of the process, students will present their findings on business topic in writing and go through viva voce sessions where the implications of both theoretical and practical research will be debated. Corrections will be undertaken by students in line with comments made by panel of evaluators after viva voce sessions are over. Refined dissertation along with extended abstract and article publication will be submitted for graduation requirement purposes. Briefly, this course aims to develop academic writing skills for students in addition to developing their communication skills on solving business related problem during viva voce in front of experts in the field.

Skill Level: Beginner