Welcome to CDT 544: Enterprise Architecture For Digital Business Transformation

This course exposes students to the concept and development of management based on enterprise architecture (EA) knowledge in dealing with innovation and business transformation faced by today's organizations. This course also explains how EA provides solutions for business organizations to improve their effectiveness and competitiveness in the global market.

Time: 6.00pm - 9.00pm

Location: ELL Room, Ground Floor

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of current EA business processes used in organizations. [PO1, C5]

2. Construct suitable EA improvements to current business processes based on the problems faced by organizations. [PO2, P5, CTPS3]

3. Display appropriate role as an actor when managing information/data in an organization according to real life scenarios. [PO5, A5, TS3]

4. Formulate EA solution using an EA Software tool (Essential Open Source). [PO10, A4, CTPS3]

Skill Level: Beginner