Welcome to the GMT 401 Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery course!

This course is designed to help students comprehend common issues in Otorhinolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery. Over 40% of patients at primary care clinics present with ear, nose, throat, and head & neck ailments, underscoring the importance of proficiency in this field.

Throughout the three-week clinical postings, students are expected to acquire both knowledge and practical experience. This includes the performance of routine procedures as well as the observation of more complex ones.

To familiarize you with standard ORL-HNS examinations, students are encouraged to conduct otoscopy, anterior and posterior rhinoscopy, indirect laryngoscopy, neck examinations, and cranial nerve assessments on a minimum of 15 peers before interacting with actual ORL-HNS patients.

Since the most recent COVID-19 pandemic, we strongly recommend that students utilize the YouTube videos provided by our lecturers to gain a comprehensive understanding of common ENT-related diseases. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to actively participate in our ORL-HNS clinics, where we offer sessions focused on clinical examinations. This includes the opportunity to directly observe, practice on, and interact with consenting patients, enhancing your hands-on experience in the field.

As for improving your clinical skills, it is compulsory for you to attend all the clinics, ward round, on-call and be in the operation theatre when needed. Attendance on each activity during the postings is compulsory.

At the conclusion of the postings, we will conduct an end-of-posting feedback and revision session. Additionally, students are obligated to provide feedback for this course. It's important to note that the content covered in this course will be assessed directly during your semester exam, so your active participation and feedback are essential for your success and the continual improvement of the program.

Warm regards,

Dr Azliana Aziz
GMT401 ORL-HNS course coordinator

Skill Level: Beginner