Dear students,

Welcome back to uni. This semester, lectures for BAT 404 begin in week one, with the first lab session beginning in week three. All lectures and laboratory sessions will take place in person.

Please keep in mind that lab sessions will take place in the Zoology lab (ODD week Thursday starting at week 3, 10 am - 12.50 pm), while lectures will take place as follows:

Tuesday 8 – 8.50 am DK K,
Wednesday 9-9.50 am Lab 200
Friday 9-9.50 am BT306.

For more information on how this course will be organised, please see the syllabus (attached below) and E-learn, where you will find regular announcements and updates.

Thank you for enrolling in this course; we wish you an enjoyable learning experience.

Team of instructors for BAT 404:

1. Dr Noor Khalidah Abdul Hamid (NKAH, course coordinator)

2. Dr Annette Jaya Ram (AJR)
Skill Level: Beginner