This course exposes students to important aspects of the physiology and behavior of animals. Using a combination of laboratory classes, mini-project and seminar-styled presentations, students will be taught various laboratory techniques, research-based data collection as well as effective presentation of scientific data. At the end of this course, students should be able to conduct physiology-based laboratory experiments, carry out scientific literature searches and experimentation for an animal behavior topic, and give an effective scientific presentation with effective presentation skills.

Course Schedule 2020/2021
HPK/CLO Kaedah Pengajaran Pemetaan/Mapping Peratusan Penilaian Kerja Kursus (Coursework Assessmen Percentage)
PLO USM LT KI 1 2 3 4 5
Ujian (13) Laporan Amali (11) Kertas projek (58) Penyampaian / Persembahan (47) Latihan Amali (42)
HPK1/CLO1 Kuliah dan lain F2F PLO1 C2 10

HPK2/CLO2 Makmal PLO2 P3 CTPS1 20


HPK4/CLO4 Seminar PLO4 A3 CS1 20

HPK5/CLO5 Makmal PLO5 A3 20

Students will be barred from the course if you fail to complete or participate in half of the coursework. Students will also be barred if the activity participation tracker in E-Learn is less than 50 %. Late submissions (for coursework) will be penalized with reduced mark (one grade reduction). There are 4 labs practical, failure to complete all 4 will result in F grade. Similarly, if you did not submit the components for Dr Nadine’s part, you will also be barred.
Skill Level: Beginner