This course emphasizes the application of population genetics and molecular analyses to answering biological questions in animal conservation. This course will cover topics on basic concepts and fundamentals of conservation genetics of animals including values of biodiversity and could be categorized into three parts, i.e. loss of biodiversity, principles and analyses of conservation genetics, and genetics and conservation.

Learning outcome
1. Determine the main source of animal genetic variation and explain relationships between genetic variation and wildlife population maintenance
2. Describe the concept and statistical/calculation variability parameters within populations such as polymorphism, heterozygosity, allelic diversity, population effective size and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
3. Differentiate the change of population genetic composition under various natural selection situation and describe genetic principles and the appropriate technique for conservation and management of wildlife in enclosed breeding, solving taxonomic ambiguity, detecting hybridization, defining management unit and forensic investigation
4. Utilise animal DNA for phylogenetic, population genetics and animal conservation.

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sofiman Othman – ASO;
Dr. Noor Adelyna Mohammed Akib - NAMA;

Lectures: 9 - 10 am Tuesday / DKV
5 - 6 pm Wednesday / DK T
Practicals: 2 - 5 pm Thursday - Zoolgy or Comp. Lab. (Odd weeks)
Skill Level: Beginner