Welcome to BBT308 Tropical Plant Ecology course!

Do you know that Malaysia is one of the world's great centres of biodiversity?

Malaysia is recognised as one of the 12 mega-diverse countries in the world. The core of biodiversity in Malaysia lies in its rich tropical rainforests, a unique natural heritage which has evolved over 130 million years, resulting in very rich flora and fauna we see today.

In this class, we will examine the biodiversity and relationships between tropical plants and their environment. Our emphasis will be terrestrial ecosystems particularly the rainforests, with an analysis on their importance and ecological roles. We will explore the characteristics, adaptations and abundance of tropical plants and their interactions with the abiotic and biotic components. Factors that affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of plant species, and the processes that shape them will be touched on. We will also discuss issues on the utilization, management and conservation of tropical forests.

By the end of the course students should understand the ecological principles behind the formation, distribution, diversity and functions of flora that are central in maintaining the health of tropical environments and its people.
Skill Level: Beginner